
Gillian Wearing

Newspapers My partner, Michael Landy, calls me a "pape addict". At weekends, if I am not immersed in work I will buy all four broadsheets. Sundays are the real treat where you get serious reportage alongside fashion and beauty.

Magazines I have religiously bought Sight & Sound film magazine every month since 1995. I went through a phase where I would not throw them away, but then realised I didn't ever reread them, so I did a mass cull. I also buy Artforum, Bookforum and Frieze art magazines and have a soft spot for Grazia, Vogue and Harpers.

Online Guardian and New York Times for news and particularly the Guardian for news blogs; I also read the World Cup blog online. Ebay for vintage clothes and props for my work. Amazon for books.

TV Watched and loved the whole of The Wire, now I am a big fan of Mad Men. For comfort viewing it is reality programmes from Come Dine With Me to The X Factor, Strictly etc.

Radio Michael listens to it all the time so I catch conversations on Radio 4 and sometimes hear a great documentary in the car.

I don't actually put radio on myself though – last time I did that was in the 70s listening to the chart show on Radio 1. I will blame my TV addiction for this.

Film Loved In the Loop, it was so well cast and hilarious. Apart from that, I haven't had time to go to the cinema this year. Looking forward to the London film festival.

Books Currently reading The Power of Silence by Prof Colum Kenny (to be published in 2011) – a brilliant book, makes you realise how we can chart history and how we relate to each other as much through silence as words. I have bought about 20 books in the last few months and haven't got around to reading them; I really want to make up for all the years I didn't read, which was between the age of 10 and 28.
